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- Heads of Departments and Divisions
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- Direcção e Chefias
局長薛仲明8800 6002
副局長賴文威8800 3231
副局長蘇兆強8800 1988
副局長岑錦榮8800 1477
刑事調查廳陳楚民 廳長8800 1838
第一督察處黃炳貴督察長8800 6528
第二督察處余光輝督察長8800 6282
毒品罪案調查處李家和 處長8800 7766
博彩及經濟罪案調查廳鄧錦華 廳長8800 3706
博彩罪案調查處黃志豪 處長8800 1105
經濟罪案調查處高炳康 處長8800 1276
清洗黑錢罪案調查處廖國生 處長8800 1238
資訊罪案調查處龍漢威 處長8800 1993
刑事技術廳趙德欽 廳長8800 3383
刑事技術鑑定處黃春蘭 處長8800 3305
刑事技術支援處尤伶 處長8800 3323
犯罪現場勘查處陳煥文 處長8800 1688
資訊及電訊協調廳陳思晶 廳長8800 1366
資訊處何偉明 處長8800 1329
電訊處陳永紅 處長8800 1387
電腦法證處鍾錦良 處長8800 1990
網絡安全處何永堅 處長8800 1625
管理及計劃廳楊春麗 廳長8800 1372
人事及行政處談正儀 處長8800 1960
財政及財產處鄭佩欣 處長8800 1604
社區警務及公共關係處趙朱惠敏 處長8800 6163
司法警察學校孫錦輝 校長8800 5118
負責人蔡昕暉 處長8800 1268
DirectorSIT Chong Meng8800 6002
Deputy DirectorLAI Man Vai8800 3231
Deputy DirectorSOU Sio Keong8800 1988
Deputy DirectorSAM Kam Weng8800 1477
Criminal Investigation Department
Head of Criminal Investigation DepartmentCHAN Cho Man8800 1838
Head of First InspectorateVONG Peng Kuai8800 6528
Head of Second InspectorateIU Kong Fai8800 6282
Head of Narcotics DivisionLEI Ka Wo8800 7766
Head of Organized Crime Division
Gaming-related and Economic Crimes Investigation Department
Head of Gaming-related and Economic Crimes Investigation DepartmentTANG Kam Va8800 3706
Head of Gaming-related Crimes DivisionVONG Chi Hou8800 1105
Head of Economic Crimes DivisionKOU Peng Hong8800 1276
Head of Anti-Money Laundering DivisionLIU Kuok Sang8800 1238
Head of IT Crimes DivisionLONG Hon Wai8800 1993
Forensic Science Department
Head of Forensic Science DepartmentCHIO Tak Iam8800 3383
Head of Forensic Examination DivisionWONG Chon Lan8800 3305
Head of Forensic Support DivisionIAO Leng8800 3323
Head of Crime Scene Investigation DivisionCHAN Wun Man8800 1688
IT and Telecommunications Coordination Department
Head of IT and Telecommunications Coordination DepartmentCHAN Si Cheng8800 1366
Head of Information Technology DivisionHO Wai Meng8800 1329
Head of Telecommunications DivisionCHAN Weng Hong8800 1387
Head of Computer Forensic DivisionCHONG Kam Leong8800 1990
Head of Cyber Security DivisionHO Weng Kin, Raymond8800 1625
Management and Planning Department
Head of Management and Planning DepartmentIEONG Chon Lai, Sally8800 1372
Head of Human Resources and Administration DivisionTAM Cheng I, Agnes8800 1960
Head of Finance and Property DivisionCHEANG Pui Ian8800 1604
Head of Community Policing and Public Relations DivisionCHIU CHU Wai Man8800 6163
Judiciary Police School
DirectorSUEN Kam Fai8800 5118
Macao Sub-Bureau, INTERPOL National Central Bureau, China
Head of DivisionCHOI Ian Fai8800 1268
DirectorSIT Chong Meng8800 6002
SubdirectorLAI Man Vai8800 3231
SubdirectorSOU Sio Keong8800 1988
SubdirectorSAM Kam Weng8800 1477
Departamento de Investigação Criminal
Chefe do DepartamentoCHAN Cho Man8800 1838
Responsável da 1.ª InspectoriaVONG Peng Kuai8800 6528
Responsável da 2.ª InspectoriaIU Kong Fai8800 6282
Chefe da D.I.C.T.E.LEI Ka Wo8800 7766
Chefe da D.I.C.B.
Departamento de Inv. de Crimes Relacionados com o Jogo e Económicos
Chefe do DepartamentoTANG Kam Va8800 3706
Chefe da D.I.C.J.VONG Chi Hou8800 1105
Chefe da D.I.C.E.KOU Peng Hong8800 1276
Chefe da D.I.C.B.C.LIU Kuok Sang8800 1238
Chefe da D.I.C.I.LONG Hon Wai8800 1993
Departamento de Ciências Forenses
Chefe do DepartamentoCHIO Tak Iam8800 3383
Chefe da D.P.C.F.WONG Chon Lan8800 3305
Chefe da D.A.T.C.F.IAO Leng8800 3323
Chefe da D.I.L.C.CHAN Wun Man8800 1688
Departamento de Coordenação de Informática e Telecomunicações
Chefe do DepartamentoCHAN Si Cheng8800 1366
Chefe da D.I.T.HO Wai Meng8800 1329
Chefe da D.T.CHAN Weng Hong8800 1387
Chefe da D.I.F.CHONG Kam Leong8800 1990
Chefe da Divisão de CibersegurançaHO Weng Kin8800 1625
Departamento de Gestão e Planeamento
Chefe do DepartamentoIEONG Chon Lai, Sally8800 1372
Chefe da D.P.A.TAM Cheng I, Agnes8800 1960
Chefe da D.A.F.P.CHEANG Pui Ian8800 1604
Chefe da D.L.P.C.R.P.CHIU CHU Wai Man8800 6163
Escola de Polícia Judiciária
DirectorSUEN Kam Fai8800 5118
Subgabinete de Macau do Gabinete Central Nacional Chinês da Interpol
ResponsávelCHOI Ian Fai8800 1268